Category: Nutrition&Wellness

No fad dieting allowed here!


November 20, 2019 Keven B No comments exist

Losing weight isn’t an easy process. Calorie-heavy convenience foods, sugary confections, and soda are available almost everywhere you turn, and sometimes it can seem like the world is conspiring against your plans to shed extra pounds.   But there’s a more insidious kind of weight-loss sabotage than the office vending machine or free soda refills…

November 11, 2019 Keven B No comments exist

Challenge Monday Herbal Detox Tea                                                                                                 Packed with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, herbal teas are a natural way to start off  a healthy weight management program. Herbal teas are not only delicious and relaxing, but they can help with everything from detoxifying your body to boosting your energy levels.  By drinking tea, you are providing your…